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AutomatonDisplay(name: string [, convert: bool, color: bool])

Convert a DES file to Image


Name Type Description Default
name string DES model name required
convert bool Apply and display String Event and String State True
color bool Separate colors depending on whether the control is uncontrollable or controllable. False


save(filename[, fileformat, layout, dpi, label, timelabel, **kwargs])

save image


Name Type Description Default
filename string save file name required
fileformat string save file format e.g) png, jpeg, gif png
layout str graphviz layout dot
dpi int image dpi 300
label str header title None
timelabel bool whether to display time labels True
**kwargs Additional graphviz attribute {}

render([layout, dpi, label, timelabel, format, **kwargs])

render image


Name Type Description Default
layout str graphviz layout dot
dpi int image dpi 300
label str header title None
timelabel bool whether to display time labels True
format string file format e.g) png, jpeg, gif png
**kwargs Additional graphviz attribute {}


render sample
model = pytct.AutomatonDisplay("model")
An image window will appear. If you are in a Jupyter environment, it will appear below the cell.

save sample
model = pytct.AutomatonDisplay("model")"model")

The file is saved as "model.png" in the current directory.