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PyTCT Basic Sample

Initialize PyTCT

PyTCT will create a lot of files in the current directory. You may think it is disturbing. PyTCT has a feature its file save a specified directory. Let's setup.

import pytct


That's all. When you run this program, you will have created a folder named save_dir. If you run it again, you will get an error. This is because PyTCT does not allow you to recreate a folders with names that exist. If you want to overwrite, set the overwrite argument to True.

import pytct

pytct.init("save_dir", overwrite=True)

Create Model

Let's create automaton model of DES.

delta = [
Qm = [0,1]
pytct.create("model", 5, delta, Qm)

you have to pass four argument to create function. First argument is DES name. it can use any string. Second argument is number of state. In this example, there are states from 0 to 4, so the value is 5. Third argument is transition tuple. An element must be defined in the order of (exit state, event, enter state). Forth argument is marker state list.

Display Automaton of DES

Once the model has been created, the automaton of DES can be visualized as an image. Here is example.

# Get AutomatonDisplay instance
model = pytct.display_automaton("model")

You will see the following image.

Model Image

The AutomatonDisplay class provides various visualization-related functions.

This completes the introduction of the simple PyTCT functions. If you want to know more about the various functions, please go to reference page.